Lae hydroxyprogesterone toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase. What does low hydroxyprogesterone test result referent values for female in follicular phase level mean?

Lower limit of normal hydroxyprogesteron test result referent values for female is 0.2 (mg/L) - 0.6(µmol/l).

During the menstrual cycle the level is low in the follicular phase. During ovulation the level increases to a maximum in the middle of the luteal phase and drops again afterwards.

The concentration is low in women after the menopause and in children, though the concentration is elevated during the first weeks after birth.




follikulêre fase

| :
0.2   -
0.6   -

Lae hydroxyprogesterone toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike

Hoë hydroxyprogesterone toetsuitslag referent waardes vir manlike

Hoë hydroxyprogesterone toetsuitslag referent waardes vir vroulike in follikulêre fase

Hydroxyprogesterone waardes en definisies

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