Total calcium (Ca)
Total calcium (Ca) values and definitions
Total calcium (Ca) values and definitions
HIGH TOTAL CALCIUM TESTWhat does high calcium or hypercalcemia in blood means?
What low calcium or hypocalcemia in blood means?
LOW URIC ACID TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR MALE What does low Uric acid test result referent values for male level mean?
HIGH BASE EXCESS BLOOD TEST LEVEL What does higher than normal base escess test level mean?
LOW DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE SULFATE TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR ADULTS What does low Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate test result referent values for adult level mean?
LOW CYTOPLASMIC/CLASSICAL ANTI-NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC ANTIBODIES (C-ANCA) TEST RESULT EQUIVOCAL REFERENT VALUES What does low Cytoplasmic/classical anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (c-ANCA) test result equivocal referent values level mean?
HIGH MEAN CELL VOLUME (MCV) (MCV) TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR FEMALE What does high Mean cell volume test result referent values for female level mean?
NORMAL CARCIONEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) FOR MIDDLE AGE NON-SMOKER TEST RESULT What is a value of a normal Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level for 50 year old non-smoker?
HIGH ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR FEMALE What does high Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test result referent values for female level mean?
LOW ANTI-MITOCHONDRIAL ANTIBODIES (AMA) TEST RESULT NEGATIVE REFERENT VALUES What does low Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) test result negative referent values level mean?
What does high hydroxyprogesterone test result referent values for male level mean?
HIGH MONOCYTES TEST RESULT REFERENT VALUES FOR ADULT What does high Monocytes test result referent values for adults level mean?
HIGH H+ TEST LEVEL What does higher than normal H+ test level mean?
CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE LIKELY BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE (BNP) TEST RESULT What is value of diagnose Congestive heart failure likely for Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test result?